Lots of factors influence a child’s development. Peers, teachers, youth group leaders, engage them daily. Even TV shows, movies, and social media nowadays play a huge role in influencing your kids’ behavior. However, the first and foremost influence in your child’s life when it comes to developing appropriate behavior is you, their parent. You have […]
Parenting Preschoolers: 6 Helpful Tools for Managing Your Four or Five-Year-Old
As children get older they begin to explore, find more independence, and begin thinking for themselves. It’s that time in your child’s development when you say to yourself, “Oh! Now they have a mind of their own!” This means that they also will become resistant when you are trying to hold a boundary with them. […]
Four Reasons Why Quality Sleep is Essential for Your Child: Part Two
Our children’s health and education are important aspects their well being. Parents care deeply about providing their children with opportunities and work hard to keep them safe and healthy. But few of us understand how sleep is a critical component to our child’s health and ability to learn. Health Sleep is shown to play a […]
Four Reasons Why Quality Sleep is Essential For Your Child: Part One
We all know that sleep serves a purpose, but many parents are surprised to learn the complex functions of sleep in children. Sleep is a time of intense neurologic and physiologic activity; there are times where the brain is more active during sleep than awake. For children this is especially true. By the age of […]
Understanding Your Child’s Napping Needs
Naptime is equally as important as night sleep. Different naps provide different “nourishment” to the child. During the morning nap, babies have more REM sleep (this is the stage connected with dreaming). REM sleep is associated with brain maturation and growth. The afternoon nap is linked with NonREM sleep, which is a deeper stage of […]