My Journey To Becoming A Couples And Family Therapist
I was born into a family of therapists. My mom and dad met each other during their graduate training program to become family therapists, and although neither of them stayed in the field long-term, their approach to parenting was characterized by compassion, heightened emotional sensitivity, and knowledge of child development. It was a home life that nurtured my interest in human connection and supported my trajectory towards becoming a couples and family therapist.
My family has always emphasized self-reflection and empathy. Early in life, I developed a keen intuition for how others might be feeling, as well as an ability to extend support with open arms to my peers. When I was eight years old, my mother gave me a journal, which I called my “keep safe book.” My friends knew that whenever they wanted to share something with me, I would listen and keep their thoughts safe and private inside the book. Even at a young age, I considered it a great privilege when someone opened up and shared their stories with me.
By the time I was seventeen, I knew that I wanted to be a couples and family therapist. I was particularly interested in studying how couples created intimacy, as well as the obstacles that might get in the way. I completed my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at Hendrix College, where I researched how communication influenced sexual intimacy. Understanding how emotions could positively affect people’s communication styles and personal connections became a life-long passion of mine.
Understanding Attachment Theory And Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) Deepened My Practice
As a graduate student on my way to becoming a couples and family therapist, I expanded my knowledge of attachment theory by immersing myself in extensive training in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). EFT is an evidenced based therapy modality that consistently shows efficacy in reducing conflict and increasing closeness in relationships. Outcome studies show couples and families satisfaction continues years after therapy ends.
Today, I am committed to assisting couples and families in developing secure, stable bonds so that they can experience ease and joy within their relationship. I consider it an honor to support you and your family as you engage in some of the most admirable work people can do—by increasing your understanding of yourself and those you love.
I Support People In Building Strong Connections
Conflict can move quickly and completely take over, and we’re often left wondering, “How did we get here?” Many times we are left feeling more alone, confused and hurt. We are unsure how to get out of this stuck place. If this sounds familiar, you are not alone.
EFT For Couples Therapy
I support couples to understand what gets in the way of effective communication. With the support of Emotionally Focused Therapy, I can help break this pattern of conflict that keeps you stuck, and help you to rebuild an entirely new way of relating that bonds you closer together.
Inclusive Family Therapy
In addition to assisting couples in strengthening their relationships, I also specialize in supporting parents to apply what we know from attachment theory and EFT to help create secure and joyful home environments for their children. I know from my own parenting journey that the love we feel for our children is unlike any other – and they are consistently our greatest teachers. But that doesn’t mean it is easy!
There is no greater privilege than to raise a child, and I consider it an honor to walk alongside you as you aim to be the best parent you can be to your family.
As humans, we all desire connection, belonging and safety within our relationships and communities. I apply an inclusive approach to therapy. I work to ensure that my clients feel safe, able to bring all aspects of themselves and their identities into the therapy room. If you are part of a marginalized population, I welcome the important conversations that center around your experience in the world. Creating a “brave” space for you to share about yourself with me, and with those closest to you, so that you are not left alone in these experiences is primary for me.
My Passions Outside Of Work
When I was a child, my parents helped form a community of families who valued spending time together in nature, free from the distractions of daily life and technology. Within this community, I learned valuable skills such as conflict resolution and repair, creative play, and navigating extended friend and family dynamics. I also came to understand the importance of rest and connection with nature in the midst of a busy modern life.
I’ve carried the values from my childhood into my adult life. When I’m not in the office, I still spend as much time with friends and family as possible—usually over good food and wine! I also love spending time outdoors. My husband and I enjoy backpacking in the Rocky Mountains and taking our son to enjoy moments under the trees, or exploring bugs in the grass.
Kate Snow is a Couples and Family Therapist and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) specialist at RCC Colorado in Boulder, CO. Kate received her Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in Psychology from Hendrix College and her graduate degree in Marriage and Family therapy at the University of Colorado, Denver. As a graduate student, Kate completed further training in EFT and studied attachment theory. Kate integrates principles from EFT and attachment theory to support clients in building strong, healthy relationships.
Next Steps
If you’re interested in working with me, I invite you to click the link below to schedule a free consultation and learn more about my approach to counseling.